Com.presscompress@ptks.plOpen Journal Systems<p class="Standard"><span lang="EN-US"> is an electronic half-yearly magazine that publishes articles in the field of communication and media studies as well as interdisciplinary articles. We also publish texts which can be potentially important for media researchers, including for example constructivist analyses, discourse analyses, empirical studies of media content, articles focusing on important issues discussed in the public sphere, etc.</span></p> <p class="Standard"><span lang="EN-US">The editorial board accepts only the texts which meet the criterion of a scientific article, which means that the author proposed a new way to put or solve a problem within the broadly understood social sciences.</span></p> <p class="Standard"><span lang="EN-US">No research perspective, theoretical approach or type of an article is imposed. We accept purely theoretical texts, empirical reports, reviews, and other articles, provided that they meet the requirements set above.</span></p> on the Conference "Knowledge-Communication-Action"2024-11-12T15:15:48+01:00Magdalena<p>On October 17-18, 2024, the "Knowledge – Communication – Action" conference was held for the sixth time, organized by the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University. The theme of this year's meeting of scientists was media practices in a digitized world.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association Coverage of Law: Conceptualisations of Media Discourse on Law and the Principle of Truth in Journalism Ethics2024-09-23T17:54:56+02:00Przemysław<p style="font-weight: 400;">Expectations raised with regard to media discourse on legal issues prompt reflection on its quality, especially considering the ethical requirement of truthfulness. This problem has a diverse representation in the literature. Hence, the present paper aims to juxtapose the relationship between various academic conceptualisations of media discourse on law (portrayed as mediation, distortion, translation and political communication) with the principle of truth, as well as to clarify the principle of truth in the context of this discourse. The analysis reveals significant discrepancies between the realities of the media, at least as depicted in the literature, and the ethical requirements. Although not all obstacles in this regard can be removed, it is possible to formulate premises for shaping journalistic texts concerning law in such a way as to bring them closer to meeting the principle of truth.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association A New Tool for Disinformation in Contemporary Photography2024-10-21T15:26:32+02:00Katarzyna<p style="font-weight: 400;">The constant development of technology undoubtedly has an extraordinary impact on the society. New technical solutions bring to the table both tremendous opportunities and challenges. Over the past few years, advances in artificial intelligence, especially in the field of machine learning, have led to the development of a controversial technique known as deepfake, that has given people the ability to generate convincing and increasingly sophisticated, yet artificial media content. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of such synthetic images on the phenomenon of spreading disinformation. An experiment was conducted, the results of which are intended to reflect the ability of Polish society to identify fake visual content and distinguish it from real photographs.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association Therapy or Art? The Problem of Discriminatory Treatment of people with intellectual disabilities2024-10-23T21:17:11+02:00Aleksandra Fiał<p>This article attempts to examine the issue of perceiving the work of artists with disabilities (including intellectual disabilities) and answer the question whether their disabilities affect our perception of their artistic activities. The analysis is based on the assumption that the art of people with disabilities is mainly associated with therapy and therefore treated as „inferior”, „lower-level” art. Analysis of the literature on the subject, including interviews with artists and founders of performative theatres allows us to formulate a hypothesis that artists with disabilities are often not treated as a serious creators and evaluated in light of their disability, which leads to their marginalization and discrimination. This article is an introduction to the research on the perception of the art of people with disabilities. The issue requires broader study on the problem of social reception of art created by people with disabilities, giving the floor to the art creators with disabilities and taking into account their experience on of marginalization and discrimination.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association of femininity in TVP Kobieta2024-10-04T14:47:41+02:00Julia<p style="font-weight: 400;">The article presents the results of a study on the Polish public television TVP Kobieta (TVP Woman) channel. The aim of the study was to identify the image of contemporary Polish women promoted in the broadcast. The results contribute to a better understanding of the role of women displayed on the Polish television. The author refers to the theory of gender performativity and the backlash concept to demonstrate how elements of the broadcast contribute to the reproduction of feminine characteristics. Through qualitative media content analysis, the author also identified a model of femininity, which contributes to the reproduction of a specific social relations model. The article discusses selected aspects of construction of femininity and includes a critical commentary.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association and Catholics vs Henchmen of Bill Gates and Israel2024-09-23T21:59:39+02:00Marcin<p>The article analyses comments under videos on the coronavirus pandemic, uploaded by Grzegorz Braun, one of the leaders of the Polish right-wing Confederation Liberty and Independence political party. The study uses a wide range of corpus linguistics methods, adopting the perspective of contemporary discourse. The research shows that supporters of Grzegorz Braun openly questioned the coronavirus pandemic, portraying it as a tool in the hands of a broadly defined elite. They also identified Jews and the state of Israel as main enemies of Poland. Moreover, actions of the Polish government were perceived as against the Polish raison d’état and a part of fulfilling the orders of the global elites. Furthermore, the commentators declared a strong devotion to the Catholic faith and support for the actions of Grzegorz Braun. The study contributes to the study on pandemic discourse by focusing on a community centered around an influential politician.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association Crisis of Marcin Kącki 2024-08-01T11:05:48+02:00Kinga<p>In this work, the author attempts to assess whether public figures directly affected by an image crisis bear less social responsibility due to their high status. In such cases, it is crucial to analyze the course of the crisis: first responses of the parties involved, official statements and media reports. The author of the work analyzes image crisis of Polish journalist Marcin Kącki, which took place on January 5, 2024, when he published a confession article on website. The course and consequences of the crisis are described in the form of case study. The analysis of official statements and social media reactions is based on the content analysis and confronted with the 5A principle, utilized in crisis management, which provides the insight into the narratives used by the parties of the conflict during the first week of the crisis and an assessment of their impact on the image of Marcin Kącki. The holistic approach to the problem allowed the author to formulate conclusions on the specifics of image crises of public figures.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association transformation of marketing2024-10-28T10:31:44+01:00Anna<p style="font-weight: 400;">Dynamic market and technological transformations affect many areas of human life. As a result, the number of brands competing to gain customer attention is growing. The consumer of the 21st century wants the purchasing process to be interactive generating emotions and experiences, and the product itself to be personalized. The desire to provide a valid response to those needs leads to the sales strategies based on the creation of experiences, including storytelling, which growing in popularity and has been heavily implemented in online sales. Rapidly developing AI systems are changing the approach of the salesman, resulting in a combination of storytelling and virtual influencer marketing as vital part of the modern marketing strategies<em>.</em> Thus, more and more companies choose to invite to their campaigns virtual characters known as virtual influencers, whose lives resemble the real life as much as possible. Using authenticity, social engagement and mutual trust as core qualities, virtual influencers have the unique potential to tell engaging, consistent stories, which align perfectly with the storytelling technique. Thus, in the wake of technological developments, the methods in which brands can build customer relationships and craft narratives to promote their products are being significantly expanded.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association Roles Performed by Polish Journalists Covering 26th UN Climate Change Conference2024-09-20T15:38:31+02:00Daria Zadroż<p style="font-weight: 400;">Covering most important topics, journalists may perform several roles. One of the main global issues, due to its global reach and multidimensionality, is climate change. This has been confirmed by the President of the 26. UN Climate Change Conference, who described it as ‘the most important issue of our time’ (COP26, 2021). The aim of this study was to perform a qualitative content analysis on the roles performed by Polish journalists covering COP26. The research sample included news published during the event by six Polish media outlets. To the six journalistic roles proposed by Mellado (2015), one was added, namely Educator. The study shows that indicators of each role were found in five out of six analysed media outlets. Only in TVP1 (public service broadcaster) no indicators related to Educator journalistic role were found. The most performed role was Interventionist, which manifested through presenting journalist’s own opinion or using evaluative adjectives.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Communication Association