- ARIANTA - Polish Scientific and Professional Electronic Journals;
- Biblioteka Nauki (English: Library of Science)
- BazHum – bibliographic database of journals from humanities and humanistic social studies
- CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library;
- CEJSH – The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Clarivate Analytics
- Web of Science Master Journal List (Journal Impact Factor 2022: 0,6; JCI 2022: 0,19)
- Web of Science - Core Collection
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
- Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci (English: Scientific Journals Online)
- Academic Research Source eJournals
- Elsevier
- Scopus (SNIP 2022: 0,356; CiteScore 2022: 0,7)
- Scopus (SNIP 2022: 0,356; CiteScore 2022: 0,7)
- ERIH PLUS – European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Europeana
- Federacja Bibliotek Cyfrowych (English: Federation of Digital Libraries)
- Index Copernicus International
- ICI World of Journals
- List of Journals of the Minister of Science, Poland (40 pts, as of January 5, 2024)
- POL-index – Polska Baza Cytowań (English: Polish Citation Database)
- Polona - Polish digital library, which collections of the National Library of Poland and co-operating institutions
- Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (English: Polish Scientific Bibliography)
- SCImagoLab (SJR 2022: 0,193)