Francesco Marconi (2020). Newsmakers: Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Journalism

New York: Columbia University Press. 216 pp., ISBN: 9780-231549356




journalism studies, technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning


This is the review of the book by Francesco Marconi "Newsmakers: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism."

Author Biography

Paweł Baranowski, Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Wrocław

Dr Paweł Baranowski is an assistant professor at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication at University of Wroclaw (Poland). His scientific interests are focused around political communication, social media and journalism studies. He has gathered experience in research projects, dedicated to the changes of journalistic profession and the evolution of political campaigning. He is the former Secretary and an active member of the Polish Communication Association.


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How to Cite

Baranowski, P. (2021). Francesco Marconi (2020). Newsmakers: Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Journalism: New York: Columbia University Press. 216 pp., ISBN: 9780-231549356. Central European Journal of Communication, 14(2(29), 357-360.



Book Reviews