Politicizing Poland’s Public Service Media: The Analysis of Wiadomości News Program





Polish media, public service media, politicization, propaganda techniques, Wiadomości news program


This study explores the tensions between the mission and pluralism of the media versus the participation of the public service media (PSM) in government propaganda in Poland. We present the results of the hybrid qualitative-quantitative content analysis of the propaganda techniques used in Wiadomości – the main public TVP1 news program. Two weekly blocks of news were analyzed. The first was randomly selected from 2015-2020. The second was subsequently chosen for the same seven days, two years later. We assumed that this chronological difference would reveal changes in narration and propaganda used in the news. The analysis refers to the mission of PSM, as defined by the law in the Broadcasting Act (1992). The changes that occurred after 2015 were also the result of new legal regulations and personnel changes. The conclusions confirm that the news from the PSM is controlled and manipulated by the government.

Author Biographies

Katarzyna Gajlewicz-Korab, University of Warsaw

Katarzyna Gajlewicz-Korab (assistant professor, Dr. hab.) researches and teaches media, societal and technological transformations, focusing on European media policies and strategies. She has participated in several international research projects, including Lemel – an international research project dedicated to empirical validation of online news media. Her research interests include media cultures, creative media and data-driven transformation outcomes.

Łukasz Szurmiński, University of Warsaw

Łukasz Szurmiński, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies at the University of Warsaw. His main fields of interest include analyzing the Polish media system, theory and practice of propaganda, eye-tracking, and face-tracking.


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How to Cite

Gajlewicz-Korab, K., & Szurmiński, Łukasz. (2022). Politicizing Poland’s Public Service Media: The Analysis of Wiadomości News Program. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(1(30), 72-91. https://doi.org/10.51480/1899-5101.15.1(30).4



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