Where do Dangers to Modern Media Come from? “Captured Media: Exploring Media Systems in and after Transitions”

Lisbon, December 5–6, 2022


  • Bissera Zankova Media 21 Foundation, Bulgaria


media systems, media and democracy, journalism, CEE, captured media

Author Biography

Bissera Zankova, Media 21 Foundation, Bulgaria

Bissera Zankova is the President of the Sofia-based “Media 21” Foundation, an independent media researcher and consultant. Her research interests are human rights, media regulation policy and new media. In the past, she served at the Council of Europe on policy documentation on new notions of media and public service media governance. Her latest international research projects include studies on applied social media and convergence alongside media systems in Central and Southeast Europe, with the specifics of the Bulgarian media law culture. E-mail: bzankova@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Zankova, B. . (2024). Where do Dangers to Modern Media Come from? “Captured Media: Exploring Media Systems in and after Transitions”: Lisbon, December 5–6, 2022. Central European Journal of Communication, 17(2(36), 291-302. Retrieved from https://journals.ptks.pl/cejc/article/view/645