An integrated model for public service media governance based on participatory governance and actor-centered institutionalism: Initial application to the independence of the Polish public broadcaster TVP S.A.
participatory media governance, actor-centered institutionalism, public service media (PSM), civil society, transformation, Telewizja Polska S.A.Abstract
The aim of the article is to introduce a governance analysis model which can be used for the investigation of public service media PSM change processes. With its help it is possible to explore to what extent the PSM system is dependent on political as well as economic influences in a timeline. The PSM governance model derives from the theoretical framework of the actor-centered institutionalism ACI and the participatory media governance approach. Participatory media governance allows civil society members to be included in the investigation. With the help of ACI and the agent-structure dynamics model one can analyze three different spheres of actor’s actions which can be observed empirically: sub-systemic orientation horizons, institutional arrangements and the actor’s constellations. Based on these preliminary considerations, the model is applied to PSM governance in Poland since the socio-political transition of 1989 until 2016.
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