Silencing/Unsilencing Nature: A ‘Lupocentric’ Remediation of Animal-Nature Relationships




Anthropocentrism, speciesism, constructionism, discursive-material knot, arts-based research, wolf, nature, photography, voice, silencing, unsilencing


This article is theoretically grounded in a reflection on the discursive-material knot, which uses a macro-(con)textual approach to discourse, but also allocates a non-hierarchical position to the material, recognizing its agency. The article uses the ontological model to further theorize the discursive-material struggles of, and over, nature, and in particular of non-human animals. These theoretical frameworks are then deployed to reflect on the “Silencing/Unsilencing Nature” project (and its diverse subprojects). This is an arts-based research project which aims to unpack the discursive-material relationship between humans and nature, and how nature often has been silenced, focusing on the position of the wolf in the zoo assemblage, and how these animals are discursively and materially entrapped. At the same time, the “Silencing/Unsilencing Nature” project investigates how this situation can be changed, and how their voices can still be made audible, gain more strength and become further unsilenced.

Author Biography

Nico Carpentier, Charles University

Nico Carpentier is an extraordinary professor at Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) and president of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) (2020–2024). He is also a research fellow at Loughborough University, UK and a work package leader in the Mistra Environmental Communication Research Program.


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How to Cite

Carpentier, N. (2022). Silencing/Unsilencing Nature: A ‘Lupocentric’ Remediation of Animal-Nature Relationships. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(1(30), 92-111.



Scientific Papers