Broadcasting a Nuclear Accident: Chernobyl on Hungarian Radio
Chernobyl disaster, crisis, Hungarian Radio, information policy, Soviet communist media systemAbstract
On 26 April 1986 a fatal nuclear accident occurred in the Soviet Union. Reactor No. 4 of the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Nuclear Power Plant exploded, and harmful radioactive fall-out effused. The disaster threatened most of the population of Europe, but the people – including the Hungarian – could not receive appropriate information about the danger as an authoritarian media policy was in effect in all of the Eastern Block’s countries. This paper, based on an analysis of archival radio news and political communiques, describes how the Hungarian political leadership managed this crisis domestically. It also discusses what kind of information, and when, was aired on Hungarian Radio. The aim of this case study to reveal the domestic features of a specific platform of the Soviet communist media system in a time of global crisis.
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Radio News
168 hours 1986. V. 10. Kossuth Rádió 16:00‒17:30, editor: Ákos Mester.
168 hours 1986. V. 17. Kossuth Rádió 16:00‒17:30 editor: Ákos Mester.
K 2/5/1986 10:00 AM KM/Gné “Magyar jelentés a sugárzásról” [Hungarian report about the radiation]
K 2/5/1986 2:00 PM KM/Gné “Magyar sugárszint mérések” [Hungarian radiation-measurements]
K 28/4/1986 10:00 PM KM/HAR Szerencsétlenség szovjet atomerőműben [Disaster in a Soviet power plant]
K 28/4/1986 24:00 KM/HAR “Szovjet atombaleset” [Soviet nuclear accident]
K 29/4/1986 4:30 AM KM/HAR “Szovjet atombaleset” [Soviet nuclear accident]
K 29/4/1986 5:00 AM KM/HAR “Szovjet atombaleset” [Soviet nuclear accident]
K 29/4/1986 8:00 AM KM/Gné “Szovjet atomerőmű baleset” [Soviet power plant accident]
P 1/5/1986 5 PM KM/Gné Szovjet kormányközlemény [Statement of the Soviet Government]
P 13/5/1986 9:00 PM ZP/KZS Radioaktivitási szint Magyarországon [The level of the radioactivity in Hungary]
P 28/4/1986 9:00 PM, LL/Kné „Robbanás egy szovjet nukleáris erőműben” [Explosion at a Soviet nuclear power plant]
P 28/4/1986 11:00 PM KM/HAR “Szerencsétlenség szovjet atomerőműben” [Disaster in a Soviet power plant]
P 29/4/1986 3:00 AM LL/Kné “Szovjet nukleáris baleset” [Soviet nuclear accident]
P 29/4/1986 7:00 PM NGY/vm “Légszennyezés” [Air pollution]
P 29/4/1986 9:00 AM Zp/Kné “Paksi erőmű helyzete” [Situation of the Power Plant of Paks]
P 7/5/1986 7:00 PM KM/ré “Mérések Magyarországon + sugárhelyzet és következményei” [Measurements in Hungary + radiation and its aftermath]
Hungarian Daily Broadcast Analysis for Monday, 28 April 1986
Hungarian Daily Broadcast Analysis for Tuesday, 29 April 1986
Lovas, István: “To the Hungarian Services”, 1989. IV. 28. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty broadcast records [in Hungarian], Box 3157, Folder 3, Hoover Institution Archives
Szigriszt, László: “To the Hungarian Services”, 1989. IV. 29. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty broadcast records [in Hungarian], Box 3157, Folder 3, Hoover Institution Archives
URH 29/4/1986 11:30 PM KL/Gné “Magyar közlemény az atombalesetről” [Hungarian report about the nuclear accident]
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