A New Look at Chinese Disinformation - Growing Convergence with Russian Tactics and the COVID-19 Pandemic





disinformation, fake news, COVID-19, wolf-warrior diplomacy


Disinformation is not a new phenomenon, but it is undoubtedly becoming more and more common, posing a threat to both modern societies and democratic states. The aim of the article is to analyze the evolution of Chinese disinformation, which has become visible since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to confront it with its Russian counterpart. The article presents Beijing's previous defensive practice in the context of spreading disinformation, consisting in improving China's image with positive messages about the state. Particular attention was paid to changing the Chinese approach since the COVID-19 pandemic to a more offensive one, using Russian disinformation methods and tools. Presented, among others the presence of Chinese diplomats on Twitter in the spirit of wolf-warrior diplomacy, Beijing's activities in the USA, Africa and Europe, and Chinese tools of influence such as TikTok. The article also analyzes the similarities and differences between Chinese and Russian disinformation, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both countries in the context of conducting influence operations. Considering the relatively little knowledge about Chinese disinformation campaigns, the speed of learning, and China's huge potential in the form of diverse tools of influence both online and offline, it can be concluded that Chinese disinformation will be an increasingly powerful tool used by this country on the international arena.


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How to Cite

Dobrowolska, J. (2023). A New Look at Chinese Disinformation - Growing Convergence with Russian Tactics and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Com.Press, 6(1), 72-81. https://doi.org/10.51480/compress.2023.6-1.531