The Roles Performed by Polish Journalists Covering 26th UN Climate Change Conference
journalistic role performance, media coverage, climate change, COP26, UN Climate Change ConferenceAbstract
Covering most important topics, journalists may perform several roles. One of the main global issues, due to its global reach and multidimensionality, is climate change. This has been confirmed by the President of the 26. UN Climate Change Conference, who described it as ‘the most important issue of our time’ (COP26, 2021). The aim of this study was to perform a qualitative content analysis on the roles performed by Polish journalists covering COP26. The research sample included news published during the event by six Polish media outlets. To the six journalistic roles proposed by Mellado (2015), one was added, namely Educator. The study shows that indicators of each role were found in five out of six analysed media outlets. Only in TVP1 (public service broadcaster) no indicators related to Educator journalistic role were found. The most performed role was Interventionist, which manifested through presenting journalist’s own opinion or using evaluative adjectives.
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