Media Coverage of Law: Conceptualisations of Media Discourse on Law and the Principle of Truth in Journalism Ethics
An Analysis Based on Theoretical Models Put Forward in the Literature
law, media, journalism ethics, media discourse, principle of truthAbstract
Expectations raised with regard to media discourse on legal issues prompt reflection on its quality, especially considering the ethical requirement of truthfulness. This problem has a diverse representation in the literature. Hence, the present paper aims to juxtapose the relationship between various academic conceptualisations of media discourse on law (portrayed as mediation, distortion, translation and political communication) with the principle of truth, as well as to clarify the principle of truth in the context of this discourse. The analysis reveals significant discrepancies between the realities of the media, at least as depicted in the literature, and the ethical requirements. Although not all obstacles in this regard can be removed, it is possible to formulate premises for shaping journalistic texts concerning law in such a way as to bring them closer to meeting the principle of truth.
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