About the Journal
General information about the journal
Com.press is an electronic half-yearly magazine that publishes articles in the field of communication and media studies as well as interdisciplinary articles. We also publish texts which can be potentially important for media researchers, including for example constructivist analyses, discourse analyses, empirical studies of media content, articles focusing on important issues discussed in the public sphere, etc.
The editorial board accepts only the texts which meet the criterion of a scientific article, which means that the author proposed a new way to put or solve a problem within the broadly understood social sciences.
No research perspective, theoretical approach or type of an article is imposed. We accept purely theoretical texts, empirical reports, reviews, and other articles, provided that they meet the requirements set above.
Good editorial practice
The editorial board makes every effort to detect any signs of dishonesty, especially in the form of plagiarism and auto plagiarism.
The author of the submitted article is required to properly indicate the authorship of the article or its parts (no guest writing or ghostwriting is allowed).
The author is obliged to provide information on the sources of funding of the submitted research and to disclose any conflicts of interest related to the publication of the article.
Authors are obliged to clearly mark all the content (results, ideas, conclusions) which has been previously published by them.
The editorial board has the right to withdraw a published article if it has been found to violate the principles of honesty. Such articles shall be marked as retracted and published in a special section of the journal’s website together with the reasons for such a decision.
The editorial board supports the research replication policy, encouraging authors to disclose the data enabling readers to objectively verify published submissions on request.
Mission and vision
Com.press is a scientific journal focused on the issues of communication and media studies. The quarterly was created on the initiative of doctoral students of media studies and became another scientific journal of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University published by the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication.
Com.press is a marketplace of ideas where researchers can publish their scientific, research, and theoretical articles on the subject of media, both traditional and new, social communication at various levels and between different actors, as well as on the innovative use of media for communication in journalism, marketing, politics, and the public sphere.
We would like to invite all young scholars, especially those who are interested in communication and media studies, to publish in the journal. Com.press serves as a platform where they can exchange their observations and present interesting research results in the open access formula. By publishing articles in an electronic form, available for download on the magazine’s dedicated website, and by adapting the texts to the e-book standards, Com.press aims to increase the citation rates of the young scientists’ publications.
The goal of the journal is to pursue an innovative approach to content distribution, and therefore, the efforts are being made to make its content available on specialized scientific platforms. In addition, the editorial team seeks to ensure the shortest possible time of the preparation of subsequent editions and systematic publication of the content, which is particularly important in view of the issues raised in Com.press.