Sexualisation in the Media on the Example of Selected Versions of Programme “Naked Attraction”
sex, sexualisation, media, Naked Attraction, nudityAbstract
The emergence of artificial intelligence and new media, as well as technological changes, have prompted many changes in the media defined as traditional. Television producers are constantly looking for new forms in order to keep up with modern audiences and their demands. Some of these are very controversial and have to do with moral or ethical questions. A programme that has been described by Angela Smith as “the last taboo in mainstream television” is the show “Naked Attraction”. Its participants select a date partner from among naked people. The aim of the study, which involved qualitative and quantitative content analysis, was to examine how nudity is portrayed and described in selected editions of the show. The episodes of the show broadcast in different countries – Poland, the UK, Finland and Denmark – were examined and compared. The aim was to find out what characterises the show’s participants, how they and the hosts express themselves about sex and nudity, and what the participants’ (stated) attitudes are towards taking part in the programme.
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